Tuesday, January 25, 2011

No Clothes For A Year

I was recently catching up on one of my favorite blogs, when I came across her post about not purchasing clothes for a year.  At first I thought it was extreme, but as I was putting away all of our new Christmas presents, I realized it was not such a crazy idea after all.  In the past week alone I have filled 5 large bags with clothes that I no longer want, wear, or don't fit my post pregnancy body. It is absolutely astonishing to me the amount of excess I have.  And yearly, I continue to slowly add more to the mix.

I'm not growing any more, and now have a sufficient supply of pregnant/post pregnant clothes, so I see no reason as to why I can't stick to this commitment.  I do have a gift card that I plan on using, but other than that, no CASH will be spent on clothes this year.  Not from the mall, not from the thrift store.  Nothing.

I am also going to try to refrain from purchasing for my little E, as tempting as it may be. I've always bought used or clearance for her, but as I am coming to realize, people have greatly enjoyed purchasing little outfits for her, to the point that her closet is ALWAYS full, and her drawers are always stuffed.   Bottom line, none of us NEED that much STUFF. 

If there is one resolution that I am hoping to keep this year, it is to get rid of the excess, starting with our clothes.  My husband casually mentioned that he might participate as well, which is quite encouraging indeed.

I'm off to go clean out the closet.

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